

Vad säger rösten – laurel eller yanny? Ett tre sekunder långt klipp på internet startar bråk över hela världen. Och det är inte på grund av vad som syns.

Vad säger  REPORTERSKOLAN. Svea och Samuel har gått till botten med internetfenomenet Yanny/Laurel. What word or name do you hear, and how far do you have to move the slider to hear another? Check it out and be surprised by the possibilities of your brain! Yanny eller Laurel. Jullovet är över och vi är tillbaka. Det har hänt mycket sedan sist, brexit har failat, vi har en regering(!?), Snoop dogg gör reklam för Klarna,  2018-maj-23 - 121 Likes, 8 Comments - Moose the Modern Ferret (@themodernferret) on Instagram: “PLEASE settle it once and for all YANNY OR LAUREL!

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You either die a Yanny or live long enough to see yourself become a Laurel. — Madison Malone Kircher (@4evrmalone) May 15, 2018 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. A video from Reddit and now circulating on Twitter is confusing users. Depending on who you ask it either sounds like “Yanny” or “Laurel.” 2018-05-15 · The Yanny-Laurel debate has fractured the internet. Some people who listen to the audio file hear one thing; others hear another. But there's a simple explanation for why people perceive one thing May 16, 2018 If you have higher fidelity audio equipment or are simply better at hearing higher frequency sound, Francis said you are more likely to hear "  May 16, 2018 Raising the pitch of the sound file causes many people to hear it more often as “ Laurel,” while lowering the pitch causes people to hear it more  May 17, 2018 "Yanny or Laurel" took the internet by storm after a Reddit user posted the short clip of a word being read out loud, asking fellow Reddit users a  Yanny or Laurel?

May 15, 2018 Reddit user juuular writes that if you turn the volume down low, there will be no bass and therefore you'll hear Yanny, whereas if you turn the 

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Yanny? Eller Laurel? Ett viralt klipp har satt griller i huvudet på internetanvändare över hela världen. I filmen hörs en röst säga "Yanny", 

I filmen hörs en röst säga "Yanny",  Yanny? Eller Laurel? Ett viralt klipp har satt griller i huvudet på internetanvändare över hela världen. I filmen hörs en röst säga "Yanny",  The audio “illusion”, whoch first appeared on Reddit, seems to be saying one word – but whether that word is “Yanny” or “Laurel” is the source  Yanny? Eller Laurel? Ett viralt klipp har satt griller i huvudet på internetanvändare över hela världen.(TT) Yanny?

There is a definitive answer. 2018-05-16 · Why you hear “Laurel” or “Yanny” in that viral audio clip, explained It comes down to how our brains pick up on, and interpret, different frequencies.
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May 16, 2018 #3 I made this video that will surely end the debate! A fight that's consumed the Internet and ruined productivity in offices everywhere for the past few days is over. It's officially "Laurel," not "Yanny." 2018-05-16 · An audio file has divided the internet as people debate whether the voice says "Yanny" or "Laurel." Lee Miller, an associate professor in neurobiology, physiology and behavior at the University of 2018-05-17 · Yanny vs. laurel 02:03.

What do you hear?! Yanny or Laurel  May 15, 2018 An audio clip is going viral after first appearing on Reddit because some people are hearing the word "yanny" while others hear "laurel." May 15, 2018 Listen to Yanny or Laurel? by Digg on SoundCloud.
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May 16, 2018 That's the question as a short audio clip has sparked a social media debate about whether the word is "Yanny" or "Laurel." How one hears it is 

Do you hear Laurel or Yanny? 2018-05-15 · Yanny, or Laurel?

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2018-maj-23 - 121 Likes, 8 Comments - Moose the Modern Ferret (@themodernferret) on Instagram: “PLEASE settle it once and for all YANNY OR LAUREL!

Nu är det istället ett ljudklipp som blivit viralt där en röst säger ett ord, som har delat upp internet i två läger: säger rösten Laurel eller Yanny? I ett  Buy Yanny vs : Laurel är exasperating för en sista (Swedish Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Amazon.com. Yanny eller Laurel. Jullovet är över och vi är tillbaka. Det har hänt mycket sedan sist, brexit har failat, vi har en regering(!?), Snoop dogg gör  yanny or laurel the new audio clip divides the internet tell us what do you hear yanny or laurel laurel or yanny sometimes I hear Yanny  What word or name do you hear, and how far do you have to move the slider to hear another?