Svensk översättning av 'arms embargo' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.


embargo - Engelsk-svensk ordbok - och lägga sig", "titta på TV". The government has embargoed arms supplies to this troubled country.

For those member states directly supporting the parties to the conflict, the violations are extensive, blatant and with complete disregard for the sanctions’ measures," the six experts charged with monitoring the embargo wrote. A decade-long UN arms embargo on Iran that barred it from purchasing foreign weapons, such as tanks and fighter jets, expired Sunday as planned under its nuclear deal with world powers, despite 2020-09-03 2020-10-16 2011-01-19 2020-10-13 The EU arms embargo on China was imposed by the EU on China in response to its suppression of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. China stated its position that the embargo be removed, describing it "very puzzling" and amounting to "political discrimination". In January 2010, China again requested that the embargo be removed. The arms embargo on South Sudan should not be seen as punitive but necessary for curbing violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, improving the fragile security environment, increasing prospects of justice for victims, and facilitating socio-economic development and investment into the country’s grossly under-funded healthcare system - particularly during the COVID-19 Find link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. searching for Arms embargo 309 found (1000 total) alternate case: arms embargo Denel Dynamics (204 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article arrested in March 1984 in Coventry and charged with violation of the UN arms embargo – which outlawed the export of arms and military equipment to apartheid The United States has rejected the expiration of an international arms embargo on Iran, saying it will use its domestic laws to punish any weapons supplier dealing with the Islamic Republic.

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A decade-long UN arms embargo on Iran that barred it from purchasing foreign weapons, such as tanks and fighter jets, expired Sunday as planned under its nuclear deal with world powers, despite 2020-09-03 2020-10-16 2011-01-19 2020-10-13 The EU arms embargo on China was imposed by the EU on China in response to its suppression of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. China stated its position that the embargo be removed, describing it "very puzzling" and amounting to "political discrimination". In January 2010, China again requested that the embargo be removed. The arms embargo on South Sudan should not be seen as punitive but necessary for curbing violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, improving the fragile security environment, increasing prospects of justice for victims, and facilitating socio-economic development and investment into the country’s grossly under-funded healthcare system - particularly during the COVID-19 Find link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. searching for Arms embargo 309 found (1000 total) alternate case: arms embargo Denel Dynamics (204 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article arrested in March 1984 in Coventry and charged with violation of the UN arms embargo – which outlawed the export of arms and military equipment to apartheid The United States has rejected the expiration of an international arms embargo on Iran, saying it will use its domestic laws to punish any weapons supplier dealing with the Islamic Republic.

Arms trade that is still going on today. So far, initiatives pushing for an EU arms embargo have not led to any results. What do you think the Swedish government  

2021-03-17 2020-06-17 On Oct. 18, the U.N. conventional arms embargo on Iran will expire despite the Trump administration’s numerous attempts to extend the embargo and induce “snap back” provisions.Russia has made its categorical rejection of Washington’s efforts to keep Iran from resuming arms exports crystal clear; however, opposition to the extension of the embargo should not be mistaken as an indication 2020-08-12 Small arms imports are not the only likely violations. Sources have told Amnesty International that at the time the arms embargo was established, the South Sudan government’s fleet of Mi-24 attack helicopters was dysfunctional and grounded. Since then it has acquired spare parts to refurbish the helicopters, violating the arms embargo. 2020-05-08 Arms Embargoes Arms embargoes aim to deny particular actors access to lethal weap-ons.

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Arms embargoes are often said to be ineffective but mandated fairly often. A sample of 74 arms embargo cases between 1990 and 2005 is analysed in order to assess effectiveness. Libya: further sanctions over violations of the UN arms embargo The Council today imposed targeted restrictive measures on one person engaged in and providing support for acts that threaten the peace, security or stability of Libya, including through violations of the UN arms embargo. Arms Embargoes Arms embargoes aim to deny particular actors access to lethal weap-ons. Such weapons are often crucial resources for sustaining a group’s or individual’s ability to continue threatening international peace and security. In situations where such actors hold state power, arms embargoes have to be imposed on entire states. This Since 2002 the embargo is a non-geographical embargo on Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the Taliban.

Armén är en försvarsgren med uppgift att utveckla, organisera och utbilda markstrids- och luftvärnsförband. Armén består av en insats- och en grundorganisation. Armén är indelad i truppslag: infanteriet, kavalleriet, pansartrupperna, artilleriet, luftvärnet, ingenjörtrupperna, signaltrupperna och trängtrupperna. Armén är en av de tre försvarsgrenarna inom den svenska Försvarsmakten. Antalet soldater i armén har minskat avsevärt efter det kalla kriget. 2021-03-17 · UN panel of experts says violations of arms embargo are ‘extensive, blatant and with complete disregard for sanctions’.
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21 In the declaration, the Council stated … Abbas krävde också att Israel skulle lyfta det embargo som rådet på Gazaremsan och som var orsaken … 40 rows On 26 February 2011 the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) established unanimously in Security Council Resolution 1970 sanctions against Libya including an open-ended embargo on the supply of arms and military equipment to and from Libya. 2021-03-17 The private arms trade can be constrained but is oftentimes used as a guise for geo-political policy by state actors.
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The United Nations Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Iran in 2007, but when world leaders penned the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2015, a five-year sunset clause on the embargo was

It provides details of the aims, scope and amendments to all arms embargoes that are in force, or have been in force since 1998 and to most that were in force since 1950. The archive is constantly updated to include information on new arms embargoes or significant modifications to existing arms embargoes. An arms embargo is a prohibition that applies to the trade or activities related to military items.

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Ja, vi har ett vapenembargo mot landet, men det har inte någon större inverkan. English Yes, we have an arms embargo against that country, but it has little effect.