Elaine Aron a obtenu sa maîtrise de l’Université York à Toronto en psychologie clinique et son doctorat au Pacifica Graduate Institute en psychologie des profondeurs, elle poursuit ensuite son internat à l’Institut de C. G. Jung à San Francisco. Elle maintient une petite pratique de psychothérapie à Mill Valley, en Californie.


On dates, a highly sensitive person can get overwhelmed quickly, especially in busy or loud places. I'm Elaine Aron. Dr. Elaine Aron suggests that 15-20% of the  

Congratulations! It means you’re part of the 15 to 20 percent of the population that have a rare but powerful trait. Highly sensitive people (HSPs) react more intensely to experiences than the average person. Aron's quiz can help you determine whether you share this trait. For more than 20 years, Elaine Aron, PhD, has been studying highly sensitive people: individuals with a particular genetic characteristic that makes them keenly attuned to the world around them.

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Produced by the Emmy award-winning GlobalTouch Group, Inc. (GTG). Testen er fra bogen: “Særligt sensitive mennesker” af Elaine Aron. Borgens forlag. Læs mere om særligt sensitive mennesker Læs om at være indadvendt eller udadvendt.

Dr. Elaine Aron’s newest book, Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person, redefines the term “highly sensitive” for the professional researcher and practitioner. She dispels common misconceptions about the relationship between sensitivity and other personality traits, such as introversion and shyness, and further defines the trait for the benefit of both the clinician and patient.

A Talk on Sensitivity by Dr. Elaine Aron. High Sensation Seeking HSP Resources.

Elaine Aron har i mange år arbejdet med psykoterapi i privat praksis, og hun har trænet og superviseret amerikanske psykologer og psykoterapeuter. I 2010 udkom bogen Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person fra Routledge Forlag. I denne bog beskriver Elaine Aron typiske problemstillinger i det terapeutiske arbejde med særligt sensitive.

Empaths share all the traits of what Dr. Elaine Aron has called “Highly Sensitive People,” or HSPs. These include a low threshold for stimulation, the need for alone time, sensitivity to light, sound, and smell, plus an aversion to large groups. Faites le test. par Marion Dos avec la publication du best-seller de la psychothérapeute américaine Elaine N. Aron intitulé Ces gens qui ont peur d'avoir peur (éd. de l'Homme). Si le terme Have a rich inner life? To see if you are "highly sensitive," take this test.

by Aron, Elaine N. Edition: [Ny utg.]Language: English Publisher:  The Highly Sensitive Person's Workbook. av Aron, Elaine.
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Click here to take the self-test.

Aron's quiz can help you determine whether you share this trait. For more than 20 years, Elaine Aron, PhD, has been studying highly sensitive people: individuals with a particular genetic characteristic that makes them keenly attuned to the world around them.
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Dennes kommentar om att jag nog var högkänslig gjorde attjag kom på att ett självtest vore bra att ha.Elaine Aron hade intervjuat några människor som trodde 

Elaine N. Aron, PhD, is the best-selling author of The Highly Sensitive Person and The Highly Sensitive Person's Workbook.In writing about the highly sensitive person, Aron has the unique Dr. Elaine Aron’s newest book, Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person, redefines the term “highly sensitive” for the professional researcher and practitioner. She dispels common misconceptions about the relationship between sensitivity and other personality traits, such as introversion and shyness, and further defines the trait for the benefit of both the clinician and patient.

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Future studies which test the interaction between SPS and environmental events/ quality Elaine Aron and Arthur Aron conducted a series of in-depth qualitative 

Lees hier meer over haar HSP test. HSP Elaine Aron geeft tips: Dr. Elaine Aron (1944) is zelf ook een HSP en legt in de onderstaande video uit wat hoogsensitiviteit is. känslighet som Elaine Aron har funnit i sina psykologiska test har se-dan även bekräftats biologiskt. Med hjälp av funktionell magnetröntgen (fMRI), har forskare kunnat undersöka de högkänsligas hjärnor och sett att det som tycks förena dem är ett nervsystem som reagerar ovanligt starkt på yttre stimuli. For more than 20 years, Elaine Aron, PhD, has been studying highly sensitive people: individuals with a particular genetic characteristic that makes them keenly attuned to the world around them. Because they process sensory input more deeply than others, HSPs tend to be more empathetic and thoughtful, but they're also easily overstimulated and require frequent respites of peace and quiet.