Monitoraggio dei pazienti. I pazienti cardiopatici richiedono un attento monitoraggio delle variabili cliniche, ematologiche, cardiache, radiografiche ed emodinamiche. È importante tabulare e stabilire l’andamento di importanti segni clinici: temperatura corporea, frequenza e profondità respiratoria (in ospedale e a casa), suoni del respiro, frequenza cardiaca, ritmo cardiaco, colore della


Monitoraggio dei pazienti. I pazienti cardiopatici richiedono un attento monitoraggio delle variabili cliniche, ematologiche, cardiache, radiografiche ed emodinamiche. È importante tabulare e stabilire l’andamento di importanti segni clinici: temperatura corporea, frequenza e profondità respiratoria (in ospedale e a casa), suoni del respiro, frequenza cardiaca, ritmo cardiaco, colore della

Each synopsis provides a series of short, authoritative, excerpts from highly relevant book chapters written by … ScienceDirect Topics for librarians Ensures that researchers are accessing and using the most accurate and reliable resources Increases discoverability of books Encourages the co-usage of books, reference works and journals Improves research productivity and research performance at your institution ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles. 2017-09-12 Coronavirus. Coronaviruses are frequent causes of the common cold, causing URTIs throughout the world, in all age groups, leading to millions of days of work and school absence, physician visits, and frequent inappropriate antibiotic use (Greenberg, 2011). 2018-01-30 How ScienceDirect Topics work.

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1 Introducción. La India es el séptimo país más grande del mundo, con una superficie de 3,29 millones de km2. Situada exclusivamente en los hemisferios norte y este, la parte continental de la India se extiende desde los 8o4′ de latitud norte hasta los 37o6′ de norte, y desde los 68o7′ de longitud este hasta los 97o25′ de Greenwich. Röhrenförmige Wasserrückresorption und der Mechanismus der Urinkonzentration. Die röhrenförmige Wasserrückresorption bei Vögeln kann von weniger als 70 % bis zu mehr als 99 % des gefilterten Volumens reichen. Qu’est-ce qu’un consommateur « rationnel » et cette idée domine-t-elle l’analyse de l’énergie dans les transports ? Le terme rationnel est utilisé ici pour faire référence au modèle de comportement du consommateur issu de la microéconomie néoclassique.
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Cos’è un consumatore “razionale” e questa idea domina l’analisi dell’energia dei trasporti? Il termine razionale è usato qui per riferirsi al modello di comportamento del consumatore della microeconomia neoclassica. Nelle parole di J. P. Quirk, “Ogni individuo è moti

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Each synopsis provides a series of short, authoritative, excerpts from highly relevant book chapters written by subject matter experts in the field. ScienceDirect Topics for librarians Ensures that researchers are accessing and using the most accurate and reliable resources Increases discoverability of books Encourages the co-usage of books, reference works and journals Improves research productivity and research performance at your institution ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles. 2017-09-12 · With ScienceDirect Topics, researchers now have rapid access to the most relevant content – filtered to prevent information overload — right when and where they need it.