Olli Snellman, Jaakko Seikkula, Jarl Wahlström, Katja Kurri. Psykiatriska kliniken. Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Översiktsartikel › Peer review. Översikt
Luennollaan Jaakko Seikkula kertoo myös uusimmasta suomalaistutkimuksesta, jossa verrattiin 19 vuoden seurannassa Tornion seudulla psykoosin vuoksi hoitoon tulleita muualla Suomessa hoitoon tulleisiin potilaisiin. Edelleenkin hoidon tuloksellisuuden erot ovat merkittävät useilla alueilla avoimen dialogin eduksi.
5.0 out of 5 stars 7. Paperback £28.92 £ 28. 92 Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D.# Douglas Ziedonis, M.D., MPH* * University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA # University of Jyväskylä, Finland This work has been supported by a grant from the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care awarded to Dr. Ziedonis at … Downloaded by [Jyvaskylan Yliopisto], [Jaakko Seikkula] at 23:25 09 October 2011 The basic aim of community psychiatry is the integration of different approaches and treatment modalities during a 2018-10-15 Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist. Professor of Psychotherapy Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä Box 35, 40014 Jyväskylä, Finland Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D. Professor of Psychotherapy Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä Box 35, FIN-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland Email: Jaakko.Seikkula@psyka.jyu.fi Phone: 358-14-2602842 Mobile: 358-50-44 32 361 Fax: 358-14-2602 841 Clinical psychologist, family therapist. Jaakko has been mainly involved in developing family and social network based practices in psychiatry with Jaakko Seikkula is speaking here at the Open Dialogue Seminar in Roskilde, Denmark. Jaakko is one of the founders of a humanistic form of psychiatry, Open D Jaakko Seikkula is speaking here at the 7th Annual Open Dialogue Meeting at the National Museum in Copenhagen.In the age of the brain, Jaakko makes a case fo Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D.
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In Finland, a network-based, language approach to psychiatric care has emerged, called "Open Dialogue." It draws on Bakhtin's dialogical principles (Bakhtin, 1984) and is rooted in a Batesonian tradition. Two levels of analysis, the poetics and the micropolitics, are presented. The poetics include three principles: "tolerance of uncertainty," "dialogism," and "polyphony in social networks." A ”Nehän kuunteli meitä!” Tuo huudahdus on hämmästyneeltä asiakkaalta. Työntekijä kuunteli juuri häntä, kiinnostuneena juuri hänen näkökulmastaan, juuri tuossa hetkessä - yrittämättä kiirehtiä johonkin työnormin vaatimaan maaliin. Tutkimusprofessori Tom Erik Arnkil ja professori Jaakko Seikkula vetävät yhteen johtopäätöksiään kolmen vuosikymmenen ajalta. Jaakko Seikkula nidottu, 2008, tanska, ISBN 9788741252148 Igennem to årtier har den finske psykolog Jaakko Seikkula stået i spidsen for en nyorientering inden for arbejde med psykisk syge.
Peter Rober, Jaakko Seikkula and John Shotter. THE NEWEST DIALOGICAL Jaakko Seikkula. (Finland), PhD Newbury Park,. CA: Sage Publications. 23
jaakko.seikkula@psyka.jyu.fi. Phone: +358 504432361.
You are here: Home About ISPS Learning Resources Jaakko Seikkula: The Finnish Open Dialogue Approach About us The ISPS Executive Committee (ISPS EC) is composed of eight members who are elected by ballot, by the ISPS membership, at least every three years.
Arnkil, Tom Erik; Seikkula, Jaakko (2009). Share. Tweet · Refworks. Avaa tiedosto. 93ae45f6-b7c4-403f-9dff-643b813972bf.pdf (9.656Mt). 5. nov 2020 Lidbom, Per Arne; Bøe, Tore Dag; Kristoffersen, Kjell; Ulland, Dagfinn; Seikkula, Jaakko (2016).
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"Open Dialogue" is an innovative approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Markku Sutela, and their multidisciplinary team at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. The principles and values of Open Dialogue are simple. People are met in crisis within 24 hours of contact and daily until the crisis is resolved. TY - JOUR. T1 - Dialogical Views on Partner Abuser Treatment: Balancing Confrontation and Support. AU - Räsänen, Eveliina.
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Seikkula, Jaakko, 1953- (författare) Piippo, Jukka (översättare) ISBN 9188872041 Publicerad: Stockholm : Mareld, cop. 1996 Tillverkad: Smedjebacken : Smegraf Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D. is the Director of the Institute for Dialogic Practice and a professor of psychotherapy at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. From documents (Seikkula & Arnkil, 2006; Seikkula & Arnkil, 2014). The following discussion will focus on the twelve, key elements of fidelity to Dialogic Practice that characterize the therapeutic, interactive style of Open Dialogue in face-to-face encounters within the treatment meeting.
Jaakko has been mainly involved in developing family and social network based practices in psychiatry with
Jaakko Seikkula is speaking here at the Open Dialogue Seminar in Roskilde, Denmark. Jaakko is one of the founders of a humanistic form of psychiatry, Open D
Downloaded by [Jyvaskylan Yliopisto], [Jaakko Seikkula] at 23:25 09 October 2011 The basic aim of community psychiatry is the integration of different approaches and treatment modalities during a
Jaakko Seikkula is a Finnish professor of psychotherapy, researcher, international lecturer, and therapist known for his innovative work on psychosis and severe depression. Corpus ID: 62402829. THE KEY ELEMENTS OF DIALOGIC PRACTICE IN OPEN DIALOGUE: FIDELITY CRITERIA @inproceedings{Olson2014THEKE, title={THE KEY ELEMENTS OF DIALOGIC PRACTICE IN OPEN DIALOGUE: FIDELITY CRITERIA}, author={M.
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Items 1 - 32 of 48 The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series at Karnac Books. Meetings in Social Networks. by Jaakko Seikkula, Tom Erik Arnkil. Paperback
The poetics include three principles: "tolerance of uncertainty," "dialogism," and "polyphony in social networks." A ”Nehän kuunteli meitä!” Tuo huudahdus on hämmästyneeltä asiakkaalta. Työntekijä kuunteli juuri häntä, kiinnostuneena juuri hänen näkökulmastaan, juuri tuossa hetkessä - yrittämättä kiirehtiä johonkin työnormin vaatimaan maaliin. Tutkimusprofessori Tom Erik Arnkil ja professori Jaakko Seikkula vetävät yhteen johtopäätöksiään kolmen vuosikymmenen ajalta.
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2003-05-15 · 1. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2003 May 15;123(10):1399. [Network therapy of psychoses by means of Jaakko Seikkula ]. [Article in Norwegian] Schjøth A.