More Genshin Impact: Genshin Impact Fischl Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Team, & More! How to Get More Wishes in Genshin Impact; Genshin Impact Code Guide – Redeem for Free Wishes, Primogems, & More; Abilities. Xingqiu’s entire kit revolves around his rain swords. These can be gained through both of his abilities, reducing the amount of



As one of the most obvious S+ Suppport Charac Genshin Impact Xingqiu Build Guide – Xingqiu | Overview – Second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, Xingqiu has had a reputation for being studious and polite ever since he was a young child. But there is another side to the mild-mannered Xingqiu everyone knows. A daring, adventurous and much more mischievous side… Djin 18 janvier 2021 Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact - Personnages Laissez un commentaire Genshin Impact – Xingqiu : Build, Armes, Artefact, Compétences. Xingqiu est avant tout un personnage de soutien avec un ultime et une compétence élémentaire qui, une fois activées, restent sur le terrain.

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Here are the best builds and weapons for him! On this occasion, Dunia Games would like to recommend you the best weapons and artifacts for Xingqiu in Genshin Impact. So, what is the best build for this  Activating 2 of Guhua Sword - Raincutter's sword rain attacks greatly increases the DMG of the third. Xingqiu regenerates 3 Energy when sword rain attacks hit  Jan 12, 2021 Xingqiu is a master swordsman, adamant reader, and stalwart member of the Guhua Clan in Genshin Impact.

Best Xingqiu Builds in Genshin Impact Main DPS: Pyro. When paired with a Pyro damage-dealing DPS such as Diluc or Klee, Xingqiu can trigger Vaporize elemental reaction, dealing 200% total damage.

Know more about Genshin Impact by visiting their official website. Want to add more info in this Xingqiu best build guide?

Genshin Impact Mona – Kỹ năng, cung mệnh, cách build hiệu quả nhất, tham khảo ngay cách build với bộ trang bị và thánh dị vật mạnh nhất.

While almost every team can get through most of Genshin Impact's content, there are simple team-building rules that will help you improve your performance significantly. 2019-06-06 2020-11-30 Chongyun strikes the ground with his greatsword, causing a Cryo explosion in a circular AoE in front of him that deals Cryo DMG. After a short delay, the cold air created by the Cryo explosion will coalesce into a Chonghua Frost Field, within which all DMG done through Normal and Charged Attacks by Sword, Greatsword and Polearm-wielding characters will be converted to Cryo DMG. Tag: Genshin Impact xingqiu build.

So, what is the best build for this  Activating 2 of Guhua Sword - Raincutter's sword rain attacks greatly increases the DMG of the third. Xingqiu regenerates 3 Energy when sword rain attacks hit  Jan 12, 2021 Xingqiu is a master swordsman, adamant reader, and stalwart member of the Guhua Clan in Genshin Impact. This Hydro and sword-wielding  Apr 1, 2021 Xingqiu can be a real force for Genshin Impact players. But only if they use the right kind of builds. Dec 10, 2020 If you want Xingqiu to offer more bite to your team, this is the weapon for you. Highly recommended for a Burst Carry build.
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Beidou Build, Weapons, & Artifacts Date : 2020-11-18 By : Panha Build Xingqiu Support DPS Tersakit Genshin Impact Kali ini Esportsku akan memberikan rekomendasi build untuk Xingqiu pada game Genshin Impact.

We'd be happy to tell you that in this guide.
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Slutligen är en Cryo- eller Hydro-karaktär som Ganyu eller Xingqiu Inlägget Genshin Impact Guide to Build Diluc as a Main Damage Dealer 

You can build him using the traditional melee damage build, which consists of stacking ATK on your artifacts, with optional Hydro bonus damage stats on your Goblet. Xingqiu may not appear to be a particularly powerful party member when you first encounter him, but his skills in battle are just as sharp as his passion for knowledge and justice. Here are all the ingredients you need to make the best Xingqiu build in Genshin Impact. 2021-02-05 Tag: genshin impact best xingqiu build.

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Xingqiu Best Build Guide – Genshin Impact. March 2, 2021 April 6, Genshin Impact has finally confirmed Hu Tao as the next playable character to be released in the next update. Check out her skills, Event Wish Banner, and Chapter Story here! Read more.