Brochure RIEGL VMX-2HA Datasheet RiACQUIRE Datasheet RiPRECISION MLS Datasheet RiPROCESS Datasheet RiWORLD Datasheet VUX-1HA Infosheet Archaeology Infosheet RIEGL VMX-2HA-BC Product Line Description The RIEGL VMX-2HA is a High Speed, High Performance Dual Scanner Mobile Mapping System which provides dense, accurate, and feature-rich data at
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RIEGL VUX-1HA. RIEGL VUX-1HA. The VUX-1HA High Accuracy is a very lightweight, compact and rugged laser scanner, that is easily mountable to whatsoever type of moving platform. The sensor meets the challenges of terrestrial mobile data acquisition in both measurement performance and in … RIEGL VMX-2HA RIEGL The RIEGL VMX-2HA is a High Speed, High Performance Dual Scanner Mobile Mapping System which provides dense, accurate, and feature-rich data at highway speeds. With 2 million measurements and 500 scan lines per second, this turnkey solution is ideally suited for survey-grade mobile mapping applications.
RIEGL VUX-1HA. 4 Pages. RiHYDRO. 2 Pages. RiMTA. 2 Pages. RiACQUIRE.
cleaning a ditch with a wheeled excavator to be 25% less than the cost of 1HA) and (Trimble Business Center and POS LV520 for Trimble MX8) for the first
2 Pages. RiMTA. 2 Pages.
The RIEGL VMQ-1HA is a compact, economically priced High-Speed Single Scanner Mapping System, well suited for a variety of mobile mapping applications. Learn More 16 | RI51005
The system consists of a measuring head including one RIEGL VUX-1HA High Accuracy LiDAR Sensor, a compact control unit for system operation, and a special roof mount for convenient mounting. Consult RIEGL LMS's entire RIEGL VUX-1HA catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/4 The VUX-1HA – RIEGL’s kinematic high-speed, high-accuracy LiDAR sensor – is the core component of the turnkey, survey-grade mobile mapping system VMX-1HA. To achieve a maximum effective measurement rate of 2 MHz and 500 scan lines/sec with an accuracy of 5mm, two high performance laser scanners are integrated in the VMX-1HA turnkey system. bottom view side view rear view heat sink fins * 4x M6x1 - 6H threads, depth 8 mm RIEGL VUX®-1HA with Cooling Fan Device front view side view rear view RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH RiedenburgstraBe 48 3580 Horn, Austria Phone: +43 2982 4211 | RIEGL USA Inc. | | RIEGL Japan Ltd. | | RIEGL China Ltd. | | RIEGL Australia Pty Ltd. | RIEGL VUX-1HA.
The sensor meets the challenges of terrestrial mobile data acquisition in both measurement performance and in system integration. The price of the RIEGL VUX-1HA (with all the reuqired accesories) is about 300 000€ Packy
Filter By Price. Results: 28 Sort Order: Page of 2 Riegl VUX-1HA Mondo RI51001 The VUX-1HA High Accuracy is a very lightweight, compact
RIEGL VUX-1HA. The VUX-1HA High Accuracy is a very lightweight, compact and rugged laser scanner, that is easily mountable to whatsoever type of moving platform.
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Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. The RIEGL VUX-1UAV provides highspeed data acquisition using a narrow infrared laser beam and a fast line scanning mechanism.High-accuracy laser ranging is based on RIEGL's unique echo digitization and online waveform processing, which enables achieving superior measurement results even under adverse atmospheric conditions, and the evaluation of multiple target echoes. The VUX-1HA High Accuracy is a very lightweight, compact and rugged laser scanner, that is easily mountable to whatsoever type of moving platform.
The alignment and placement of the two VUX-1HA scanners
LiDAR Sensor for Unmanned Laser Scanning • 100 kHz / 200 kHz Laser PRR selectable • easurement rate up to m 200,000 measurements/sec • can speed up to 100 scans/sec s • very compact & lightweight (1.55 kg / 3.4 lbs) • 360° field-of-view • robust aluminum housing, ready to be mounted on multi-rotor, rotary-wing, and fixed-wing UAVs • akes use of RIEGL’s unique echo m signal
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Filter By Price. Results: 28 Sort Order: Page of 2 Riegl VUX-1HA Mondo RI51001 The VUX-1HA High Accuracy is a very lightweight, compact
Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. RIEGL VUX-1HA.
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Airborne Scanners VQ-780i VQ-1560i and VQ-1560i-DW VP-1 VUX-1LR VQ-880-G and VQ-880-GH LMS-Q1560 LMS-Q780 VQ-580 VQ-480i Mobile Scanners VMX-2HA VMX-1HA VMQ-1HA VUX-1HA VMZ Unmanned Scanners miniVUX-1DL RiCOPTER -M miniVUX-1UAV BathyCopter RiCOPTER with VUX-SYS RiCOPTER VUX-1UAV Terrestrial Scanners VZ-2000i VZ-400i VZ-4000 VZ-6000 Industrial
RiMTA. 2 Pages. RiACQUIRE.