Nombre: 聖 Posición: Vocalista Cumpleaños: 17 de mayo Tipo de Sangre: A Estatura: 169 cm Cigarrillos: MARLBORO GOLD SOFT Favorito: YOHJI YAMAMOTO Banda Actual: DIMLIM Añadir una imagen a esta galería


vocal: sho 聖 birthday 05/17 blood type a home town aomori height 169cm favorite yohji yamamoto cigarret marlboro gold soft

sho: I think retsu will answer this one for us. retsu: “DIM” has the meaning of gloomy darkness and “LIM DIMLIM is a new band with ex-members fromD.I.D.,DeviloofandAirish. They will hold their very first one-man live at Ikebukuro Black Hole in June as well as release their first mini album “VARIOUS". Vo. Sho → DIMLIM Gt. Ryuuya → All Must Die → Deviloof → DIMLIM Gt. Retsu → D.I.D.(roadie) → D.I.D.(support) → DIMLIM Ba. Tsubasa → Airish (Haiji) → DIMLIM(Tsubasa) Dr. Issei r/DIMLIM: DIMLIM is a Tokyo based visual kei band that formed in 2017. Members (as of 2020) Sho (聖) - Vocalist.

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87播放 · 0弹幕2020-03-10 06:49:54. 主人,未 安装Flash插件,暂时无法观看视频,您可以… 下载Flash插件. Flash未安装或者  2019年6月3日 「離人症」、この言葉に貴方はどのようなイメージを抱くだろうか? この度、 DIMLIMはニューシングル『離人』を2019年6月5日にリリースする  logo Dimlim. prev.

Nombre: 聖 Posición: Vocalista Cumpleaños: 17 de mayo Tipo de Sangre: A Estatura: 169 cm Cigarrillos: MARLBORO GOLD SOFT Favorito: YOHJI YAMAMOTO Banda Actual: DIMLIM Añadir una imagen a esta galería

They are, as of now, under Ultimate Illuminatil. Dimlim, stylized as DIMLIM, is a visual kei rock band formed in 2017. DIMLIM formed on April 2, 2017, with the lineup of vocalist Sho, guitarist Ryuya and Retsu, bassist Tsubasa, and drummer Issei. Tsubasa and Issei left at the end of that year and the band went silent until summer of June 2018 where they revealed that bassist Taishi and drummer Hiroshi would join them.

DIMLIM OFFICIAL WEBSITE. LIVE VIDEO DIMLIM PREMIUM SHOW -Let's talk about the essence- [ Official Video ] What's up ? (O… > | 一覧に戻る | DIMLIM WORLD Instagram YouTube


DIMLIM в Иркутске!! Концерт состоится весной 2020 года! DIMLIM é uma banda de rock japonesa, inicialmente visual kei, formada em abril de 2017.Atualmente conta com os membros Sho como vocalista, Retsu na guitarra e Hiroshi na bateria e já lançaram três álbuns de estúdio e sete singles. ¡Este sábado 16 de enero DIMLIM hará su primer Instalive con 3 miembros! Será a las 07:00 am en Chile (19:00 de la tarde en Japón).
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prev. next. Style Visual Kei. Status Active. Formed In 2017 Line-up .

Members (as of 2020) Sho (聖) - Vocalist. Retsu (烈) - Guitarist. hiroshi (鴻志) … DIMLIM gradually built up hype on social media, only to finally reveal that their live-limited two CD release Kidoairaku, will be available at their CHEDOARA TSUTAYA O-WEST one-man performance on August 17! ¡Este sábado 16 de enero DIMLIM hará su primer Instalive con 3 miembros!
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They originally had 7 members but currently, only 3 remain in the group. Those three are Sho, Retsu, and Hiroshi. They are, as of now, under Ultimate Illuminatil.

Those three are Sho, Retsu, and Hiroshi. They are, as of now, under Ultimate Illuminatil.

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Sho (聖) is the vocalist and lyricist of DIMLIM. 1 Profile 2 Discography Featured In 3 Gallery 4 External Links Name: Unknown Stage Name: Sho (聖) Birthday: May 17 Zodiac: Taurus Birthplace: Aomori, Japan Blood Type: AB Height: 169cm DIMLIM All DIMLIM discography Add a photo to this gallery Twitter

Buenas noches, les traigo esta traduccion que me habian pedido. Disfrutenlo :D Del like, comenten y suscribance. Gracias ♥♥ Sep 10, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by LLL3. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest About visual kei band DIMLIM: profile, biography, history.